iii. When relationship embraces retribution

The desire to “get back at” someone is there because of the flesh, and somewhat the world’s system. But, God’s way is best. It builds people up. If helps them feel more loved. You can even build people up correcting them. Communication is essential in any relationship. And, it’s important to hear positive messages among the negative. Yes, the Ten Commandments have things we shouldn’t do. However, they also have things we should, and those we shouldn’t, it’s a lot easier to get your point across by saying “thou shalt not kill” than explaining what to do.

If someone does things to get back at another person, though, isn’t that just a sign they’re human? Yes, which is why I use the word “embrace.” There’s a difference between an occasional snap judgment, and a pattern.

Let’s look at how the Shunammte woman handled things. We obviously don’t see everything the couple ever did. But, she could have followed the ways of the world and just done everything herself when her husband didn’t trust in God. But, she didn’t. She keeps going back to him and saying what needs to be done. She keeps giving him the chance to honor her; and, he does. He lets her run the spiritual part of the household.

“But, wait,” you ask, “doesn’t God show His wrath on others?” God does so to discipline, it is not just to “get back at” someone. It’s the same way a good parent sets and enforces limits with an eye toward teaching right from wrong. A good parent should never enjoy punishing. Many times, God shows He will have mercy in the end. Even in the midst of watching his own city, Jerusalem, being overrun by the enemy, something the prophet Jeremiah said would come as punishment, he said that it is of His mercies that they were not consumed, because God’s mercies were everlasting. (Lam. 3:20) And, years later, people were allowed return to Jerusalem, and build another temple like the one that had been destroyed. Just as, one day, God will restore Israel to its place at the head of nations, governed by God Himself.

It is not our place to act that way, though. Vengeance belongs to God, and only He can do it perfectly. Instead, we are supposed to treat others with love and kindness.