b. If you absolutely must be a “secret believer”

Of course, at times, there are those really extreme circumstances. They can be for any of the three reasons above. Indeed, this book could, somehow, make its way to a place where Christian literature is forbidden. I pray it may do so.

What then? We are supposed to let our lights shine. We must never be like the world, just because the world wants us to. David was not sinning by escaping when King Saul got jealous and kept trying to kill him. You are not a great Bible hero like David. But, you have been called to live. Very rarely will you be called to lay down your life for the Lord. It could happen, but it probably won’t.

People worshipped Christ in secret since the beginning of the church. There were believers in the very palace of the evil Emperor Nero! Your situation, like Paul’s, can be used to encourage others in a great and mighty way. (Philippians 1:12-14) But, for that to happen, people need to know you are a Christian.