A person with a health issue lacks something they would have, in a perfect world. In a perfect world, we would all have good health, just as we’d all have enough for all that we want or need. So, based on the similarities mentioned below, this section won’t be quite as long as the one above.
The keys to overcoming this are similar to a number of things we have just discussed, especially about Job. The lessons are similar – accept that some are more or less fortunate, for instance. The need for a loving community is even more vital here than it is above, because health issues take so much out of us at times.
Job’s friends were really dumb to blame him for so much, but they were still helpful, just because they sat and mourned Job’s losses with him. They just should have remained quiet. As Abraham Lincoln once said, it’s better to be silent and have someone think you’re a fool, than to speak and remove all doubt.