ii. Accepting God’s accolades

Of course, a person can do something else. However, this comes with a strong warning about what can result.

Few people realize that even Elvis Presley sang some Gospel at first. I don’t know if this is true, but I heard at one of his early concerts, some teenage girls called him the king, and he corrected them and said, “No, Jesus Christ is the King.” And yet, he got so rich, and so into drugs, that he died in his early forties, and was a mess for years before that. He isn’t the only star to become overwhelmed with success.

To keep from being overwhelmed, a person must remember that God’s rewards are the most important, not peoples’.

Some music is very intoxicating. Anything with a beat has a chance to hypnotize people. That keeps them away from being able to really enjoy and think about what they are hearing, and yet it does influence them. In fact, once a young person on a short term mission team turned on some rock music. And, one of the natives where he was complained that the music was “calling out the devils.” It could thus hypnotize the performer, too. Music with a really hard beat should be avoided. Other music is really loud, and doesn’t let anyone enjoy the message. And yet, the words are still there, waiting to influence people. And, they will, if they get into their thoughts.

Things in the preceding paragraph can draw people to a performer, but the important thing is that God applaud you. That means being separate from the world’s system. Remember what was said about that system – it ignores God, and pretends that people don’t need Him. But, we do need Him.

Of course, you can get God’s applause in other ways, too, not just music. But, the important part is, what you do should be because you seek Heavenly rewards. Even Jesus wouldn’t accept the applause of men, because “He knew what was in man.” (John 2:25.)

But wait, you ask, don’t different performers have different thigns for different audiences? Yes and no. A person can tailor some things to a certain audience, it’s true. But, that goes into the diversity within the body part from earlier. A Christian should always keep his or her testimony, because there is a world of sinners who need to be shown how to come to Jesus, just like us. And, they need to see a difference, and to see how great it is to be a Christian, so they can choose good, clean stuff over the raunchy stuff the world throws at them. We don’t get saved by doing that, of course, but we grow closer to God by doing it.

So, whatever you do – music, art, writing, comedy – remember that you are able to do it because of God’s grace. He will be glorified, and your rewards will be eternal, if you do it with an eye toward glorifying God. You can get really silly, or any number of things that can be done that will allow your audience to focus on the things of Philippians 4:8, and keep them away from the vulgar, sensual things of this world. Just remember to follow 1 Corinthians 10:31, so that whatever you do, you do all to the glory of God.

Because, if you do, you get to hear Jesus Christ Himself tell you “well done, thou good and faithful servant.” Just imagine, the Creator Himself telling you that you did a good job. But, don’t do it for the reward. Do it for the Lord.