Giving isn’t just of yourself, but of your money – ten percent is a tithe. You may not get a lot, but even if you get a small allowance, God can use that for His glory. There’s a great story of how He used fifty-seven cents from a poor girl named Hattie May Wiatt, and used it to inspire others to give and eventually to build Temple University. Encourage others to give, too. Any giving to missions should be above and beyond what you tithe; the tithe is to help the church run all its stuff.
Not much more needs to be said here, except that many people have found that the Lord blessed them when they started tithing, and that they always had enough money for what they needed. And, remember, God knows just what you need. He’ll provide what you want if it’s part of His perfect plan – like those tickets I mentioned. But, His goal is to help you to rely more and more on Him, and not on your own desires. We don’t always know what’s right, after all. But, He does.