5. Final thoughts on family.

If you don’t have two solid Christian parents, it can be rough. But, He has promised to fill both roles if necessary – if they forsake you, He will take you up. (Psalm 27:10) Look at it this way: God gave them a Christian child so you could shepherd them. They might not want to be led. But, this is where you must lead by example. It may take time, but God will provide great blessings as you draw closer to His love.

You should follow their instructions if it doesn’t conflict with God’s Word. But, if it’s something you really feel God is leading you to do, don’t be afraid. Trust God to work things His way. It has happened before.

In Ms. Malley’s book, “Before You Meet Prince Charming,” she tells of a young lady who wanted to marry a young missionary. The old lady who took care of her on the mission field was opposed, and got really nasty about it, spread all sorts of lies about the man she loved. The man wrote the lady’s uncle, who had guardianship; her parents had died years earlier. The uncle investigated, and wrote back saying the marriage was okay. The young man and woman married, and spent many great years together. The young man’s name was Hudson Taylor, one of the great missionaries of all time.

The older lady likely fell into the trap of possessiveness we looked at earlier. Some people can be very selfish. But, you shouldn’t be. Life is about giving of yourself. It’s not about getting all you can get.

God has placed you in the family you’re in – even if that family is just a group of people who care about you in an orphanage – because He knew you could be the leader they need. It may seem tough at times. But, remember, again, God has overcome the world. So, He can certainly break through the barriers in your life to help you not only grow, but help you to help others come to Him and grow in Him, too.