We’ve discussed the basics, plus how to overcome obstacles. We couldn’t cover everything, of course, but there are plenty of analogies within what we mentioned.
Now, it’s time to cover exactly what you can and should do now what you have been led by the Lord to be the spiritual leader, just like the Shunammite woman was.
This part will be shorter for a couple reasons.
There will be many individual situations, just as God had different ways of handling different people. For instance, there’s a difference between Peter (just looking at him after he denied Jesus) and Jonah (who was in the belly of the giant fish for three days for disobeying God). As stated, every individual is different; the Holy Spirit will guide you to see how to deal with each one, within what God’s Word says.
Godly adults can give you Godly wisdom and guidance, and provide good clues. But, no person can tell exactly what’s going to happen.
Because of this, the first two sections – about knowing God personally and how to overcome hurdles – were essential building blocks. This section will simply give you general guidelines, as you perform your role as spiritual leader.