Of course, the shelter she provided is just like neighborhood moms provide, when kids can safely go over there. That safety is something you can even provide, letting yourself be used to reach others outside your home.
However, that’s just part of what you can do to encourage your family to give. Those elderly shut-ins and nursing home residents are prime examples of people who need someone to show God’s love, because so much else is disappearing for them. There are a variety of other ways you can help others, too.
What this will show your family is that it’s fun; as long as you remember to treat itas something you get to do. God is letting you be part of His plan. He loves a cheerful giver. And, if you encourage your family to give of their time to help others, you benefit as well. It should teach them to be more considerate and compassionate. And, it will help to take your mind off of your own problems. A famous saying goes, “I was sad because I had no shoes, till I saw a man with no feet.”