What about when bad things happen, though? He can certainly give peace in any situation. Remember, after the Shunammite woman’s son died, she was able to say with confidence, “It shall be well.” (2 Kings 4:23) The Bible promises that we can make all our requests known to God, and He will give us a peace that passes understanding. (Phil. 4:6-7) Being “careful” for nothing there means not being full of care or worry yourself, but casting all your worries and cares on Him, because “He careth for you.” (1 Pet. 5:7) In short, he can help you get through any tough situation. Yes, it can be tough sometimes, if that nedge of protection is lowered, but remember, if He is letting you go through it, that means He can get you through it if you just trust Him.
But, what about after? I know that some parts of the world are so bad, so filled with violence, that it’s like a war zone. However, remember that part of God is that he is the Creator. He made your mind, your memory, everything. He is a God of peace, the “God of all comfort” who can get you through anything. (2 Cor. 1:3-4) Yes, there are times when actual medical help is needed for such trauma, but remember that such help should never be used if it goes against God’s Word. And, healing from such things comes only from God, while constant remembering of horrors comes from our flesh or the devil.
Indeed, with some memories, God may just wipe them away from us if we ask. He promises in several places He will forget the sin of those who are forgiven, after all. And, most of the time, He has no reason for us to remember mean stuff, anyway. He certainly wouldn’t want us to recall details.
Sometimes people come to our mind because we should pray for them, of course. And, He does want us to forgive. But, remember that forgiveness never means to say it was right. God forgives, but never once does He refuse to judge sin. He always judges sin quite harshly. Every sin that was ever committed was placed on Jesus as He suffered horribly on the cross. He suffered for as the perfect sacrifice, God in flesh, for the sins of the whole world. For all have sinned, and come short of the glory of God.
So, forgiveness doesn’t mean it was okay. Forgiveness means praying that the person will be changed. Remember that 2 Corinthians 5:17 promises that a saved sinner is a totally different person – “a new creature!” By forgiving and praying for that person, you are praying that they be made totally new on the inside, so Jesus can work inside them through the Holy Spirit. That’s the only way one can truly turn a life around – by letting Jesus work through them.
He did it for others. He will do it for you. And, because He did it for you, you should forgive others, too. When you forgive, and they don’t repent, it’s as if you heap fire on their heads. But, don’t forgive out of vengeance. The Bible commands us to live peaceably with everyone as much as possible. (Rom. 12:17-21)
That shows it won’t be with some. Some will refuse to return peace for peace. But, even with those, Christ loved and died for them, too. And, they need to trust Him to asve them. Jesus spoke often about hell for a reason. He didn’t want anyone to go there.