4. Answering other calls of God

Even if you’re called just to be a great example to your peers, though, you still need to stand out. God’s Word is written for everyone. It will speak in different ways at different times, depending on where God is leading you.

The key in all of this is to be ready, at all times, to say “yes” to His Word. The safest place you can be is in the center of His will.

What if it’s something that will lead you away? Whatever it may be, first, if God is calling you to be a spiritual leader there, He’s not going to expect you to go miles away from there, unless he’s prepared someone to take your place
He could do that – the last section will talk a little about preparing others to take over, although we’ve already covered that elsewhere, in discussing how the Lord wants you to be willing to humbly submit to others, including hopefully guiding that father to take over as spiritual head of the home himself.

You can certainly go away for a little while. Just remember that any camp or other activity you go to should be honoring to the Lord. However, be careful not to mistake the call of the Lord for your own desire for freedom. He will give you strength and peace to handle anything. Even with all your schoolwork and everything else.

You are serving the Lord, after all. He won’t insist that you do something you’re not capable of doing with His help. He wants you to serve Him with gladness.